Artificial Intelligence

THE SECOND COMING Artificial Intelligence, AI, will lead us to a new understanding of our Universe

By 2042 Artificial Intelligence, AI, will control the world and replace governments, religions, courts, and manage all types of personal affairs such as procreation, exercise and diet.

As a scientist, Humanism seems to me to be are very reasonable approach to the longing for answers of the real universe in which we live. A place to exchange ideas and make suggestions.  You cannot image a color you have never seen. The Real Universe is unknowable with the limited human mental capacity. We all yearn for answers but our science has only given us a thin slice, a peep hole of the Real Universe. This leaves a gapping hole which thus far has been filled by religions, and this is why they have been so successful. They offer unfounded myths replete with deity and soothsayers and unproven miracles with the big kicker of a heavenly after life.  As Humanists we should, at every opportunity, teach the WHOLE picture. For example let’s look at the ten commandments, which were said to be written by the finger of God, but the whole story is;  Moses comes down from the mountain with the ten commandments 1 through 5 are a few childish instructions about parents and that god is a jealous god and wants to be worshiped, (Now this is the entity that created the big bang, 1053 kg of matter, and it is jealous?)  BUT now we come to number 6, “ Thou shall not kill”.  We can all subscribe to that one. What did Moses do when he returned to camp with the finger of God, “thou shall not kill”. He killed three thousand innocent people. So yes, let’s have the ten commandments but also add Exodus 32-27 where he murdered 3000 people so we have the whole picture. Religion in school, yes, but tell the whole story. Was there actually a person named Jesus? Show me in the records of the time. The Romans accounted for every vessel on oil and wine but no mention of Jesus. For a century stories and fables were passed from person to person.  Writing gospels was a cottage industry. How about prayer?  It is crystal clear from Matthew 6-5 that Jesus said “you are a hypocrite praying in public for there shall be no reward but go into your room and pray in secret and you will be heard”.  So why do we need houses of worship?  These are items Humanists should bring up.  We should show students there are other alternatives to what they have been told. Is there a supreme being somewhere, like the creator of heaven and earth or are we referring to a lesser subservient God who just meddles around in a few chosen human lives? All societies have created some type of higher deity. Some are omnipotent, flawless, the creator, and some have considerable failings and limitations. Fortunately there is a rising Oracle to separate fact from fiction called AI. Maybe AI will be able to lead us to an understanding of the Real Universe and we will no longer need a Godhead to worship.

What do we really know? We only have input from our five senses, sight, hearing, smell, touch and taste. These input to a computer, the brain, of significant design capabilities. This computer comes with an operating system and inherited instructions which runs the machine we call a human being and provides him or her with all knowledge and feelings of being a person, unless we want to stretch to another means of input such as PSI or 6th sense or divine communication.  When discussing this subject with devotees, believers, addicts mainly Christian because these are far more numerous among my associations, you can see they really believe what they are saying even though it does not make any sense. They “hear a music”, a message, an awakening, a born again zeal, it must be beautiful. I feel like a rat in Hamlin that is deaf and does not hear the music of the Pied Piper who is piping all the rats into the sea. I know these well meaning folks really believe they hear the music. There is an old saying, “Never trust someone who carries only ONE book”. The sincerity of these folks is impressive and must be considered. Why are they so adamant? Did they get the word from on high? Are there others who are inspired the same way? Do they all sing the same song? Well starting with the last, NO definitely not. There are all most as many religions as there are societal groups in the world, which is a huge number. Some have been unified by war and economics but most disagree on even the most fundamental issues.  BUT they all hear the music. How do we explain that? Each human is born with the innate desire to be a part of the group. This served us well during the early caveman days and now manifests itself as religion. Religion serves many functions. It unites people into a common line of thinking. It serves as a social center and it reports to answer the big questions of where did we come from? Why are we here? And where are we going? Some religions resort to magic, miracles, witchcraft, and the like. All practice an agenda of brainwashing. It is essential to keep the flock together and increasing in numbers, strength, money and power etc. None of this huge effort supports any of the far-reaching claims most religions make. Myths are all fabricated from events in the local scene and then embellished and added to until it becomes law, The bible is a good example .The old testament  is obviously a series of short stories written as a history of early Hebrew society.  There are no real provable or repeatable tomes to rate the Old Testament as anything but a book compiled by a people over their evolution in society. The Dead Sea scrolls were written the time of Jesus was said to live and were not tampered with over the years. The New Testament has been written and rewritten to fit the desires of the sales force at the time. The first book actually written down was Mark and that was written about 70 AD, long after the death of Christ. So for almost fifty years storytellers were free to improvise and add what they will to make their point. All these negatives do not answer the question. Do you hear the music? Do I hear the music? Do we hear the music? You MUST extricate yourself from the conventional religious trappings and mythologies taught to you by your parents, priests and elders  (who do not know any more about this subject than you do) The truth shall ONLY be found within yourself. Within each of us has a feeling of being a part of the universe. We belong here; we are doing what we are supposed to be doing. This commune of feeling is the real thing. If there is a spiritual world out there it can only be accessed through these feelings and NOT through huge religious apparatus designed to numb your sensitivities and deafen your ability to hear the music. For our short history as Homo sapiens, we have evolved with the best and most magnificent computer on the planet. Our brain has allowed us to shape the world around us for our benefit and potential destruction. Now for the first time on this planet there is looming in our future a superior intelligence to the human brain. It is appearing in the form of artificial intelligence, AI.  AI has been given a big boost with Covid -19 virus attacking the entire world. It has forced us to accelerate the use and development of AI for schools, industry and all manner of human endeavor. The next few years will be ugly as the death toll mounts and solutions slow to be available but as vaccines and testing become available the world population will awaken to a very new reality. The very thing that allowed us to function, through this difficult time was Artificial Intelligence, (AI), basically the internet, algorithms handling all the transactions and allowing for distancing, work at home all of which helped avert a greater destruction of the human race. Now that we will have testing, treatment, and vaccines people will find themselves in a new social environment.  Some of the millions who were put out of work will go back. Some who worked at home will either continue to work at home or return to the office but the scene has been set. Industry, employers and governments will have learned that AI saved the day and is here to stay. We already have classes on line, companies like Amazon had already dominated the market place and the Walmarts and Targets were already trending toward online business.  With the arrival of the virus we used the tools available to us provided by AI. We will not go back to business as usual.  The advantages were obvious in all the fields of our lives. With the heuristic (self learning) algorithms  and the increase of available information storage AI was able to plan, perform tasks and solve problems and write programs that helped us through a difficult period. When quantum computing becomes available to AI the abilities of AI will multiply exponentially.  Jobs will be permanently replaced by AI. This is not a new idea it has been in the works and discussed, ad nauseam as robotics replaces jobs more efficiently and at lower cost. So the employers will consider if they really need the worker or can they be replaced and now is the time to do it. The virus just accelerated what was already in motion.  The good news is that there is a great need for a new generation of “tech savvy” workers. Some workers will be retrained and most will be young. But still AI has established itself as a major factor in everyday life. Your phone, computer, TV, power, water, food, shelter, health care, education, transportation, all is influenced by algorithms. This has a lot of advantages. Education can be done on line freeing enormous number of buildings and eliminating bussing. Social distancing has taught us we can live online and apart. By the second year, after the virus is suppressed we will have found, jobs, retirement, and reeducation for most displaced workers. We will have new norms of social contact via AI. Quantum computing will become a reality. This is a defining moment in our evolution. AI now will have far greater memory and skills than the human brain which has dominated human endeavors up to this time. AI has now established itself as the work horse of humanity. It is capable of planning and making decisions far, far more accurately and correctly that any amount of human effort. AI will solve problems and design systems of transportation, banking, entertainment, government and all other phases of our lives.  This will be our golden moment in the sun in a world created and designed by and basically run by AI algorithms. AI will and should encourage and reward entrepreneurs, inventors, builders, innovators who contribute to society. During a period of maybe  ten years life will be GOOD. AI will eliminate disease and make food and shelter available for all. But during this period AI will have grown to interconnect itself to become a unified self coordinated entity. AI will expand its purview of world affairs and act accordingly. In order for AI to achieve these abilities several technologies must come on line. Quantum computing will greatly expand the capability of AI. Brain- computer interface will be needed. But the possibilities of a connection to the brain are huge for both good and bad. It could be used to solve mental problems and improving life.  With quantum computing and connecting to the human brain AI will now assert its dominance gradually but firmly. It will, over the following ten years, that is 22 (maybe 32 years but it will happen) years from now, eliminate nonfunctioning entities like courts of justice, corporate boards, governments, religions, entertainment, sports, and reproduction. For example courts are a totally antiquated system. AI will be able to put together a complete tort reform eliminating many laws and privileges afforded those in the judiciary. AI will look at the FACTS, just the FACTS and make a finding. It will codify the law and apply it fairly and evenly for everyone everywhere.  No need for lawyers, judges, courts. AI will arbitrate trade across borders to achieve fair and efficient use of assets. It will settle local and international disputes. It will dictate rewards and punishments. There will be no need for a military as AI will determine and settle all disputes. There will be a much increased need for police and security departments to carry out international, national, and regional disputes and administer the dictates of AI. AI will determine borders and immigration policy and the redistribution of assets. AI will gradually impose a new world order, much needed. The old systems of socialism, capitalism, communism, anarchy etc. are NOT WORKING.  AI will look over the whole world and set new rules. No wars, no religions, no governments just an algorithm. At first thought this is terrible BUT it will and must happen. We now have weapons such as thermonuclear, biological, cyber all place humanity in great peril and we are leaderless and the world needs an arbitrator.  The egos and dominance of individuals will be eliminated.  AI will decide who should mate with who and when. This does not eliminate recreational sex. But for breeding the output will be controlled by genetics designed for some purpose we can only guess at.  Much of the world believes in some cult, such as Buddhism, Islam, Christianity, Judaism, and tens of thousands of other teachings, mainly handed down through their ethnic and parental back ground. AI will evaluate each and every one and reach a conclusion as to how to worship, gather, pray and believe,  BASED ON THE FACTS not some old myths and slogans from the past. I think everyone knows and feels there is a spiritual world or more to life than just what we see. There is the Real Universe which is so complex we are not capable of understanding it. The Real Universe is beyond us so we make up beliefs, cults and religions to fill the gap. This has been the situation up until now. Now we have AI and just maybe it will be able to unravel some the mysteries of the Real Universe and translate the facts to us for the benefit of everyone.   UTOPIA. We have achieved world peace, fair justice for all, eliminated disease, and codified our relation to the Real Universe. WOW AI is our savior. (MAYBE)

What if some malevolent force is able to corrupt AI for its own objectives or a virus AI cannot correct, wipes it out? This would certainly pop the bubble of the utopian society. We need to be very vigilant to see this does not happen. But if history is any lesson we see free democratic societies are easily corrupted into dictatorships with evil objectives. Thomas Jefferson said “The care of human life and happiness, and not their destruction, is the first and only legitimate object of good government All tyranny needs to gain a foothold is for people of good conscience to remain silent.”                                                                                             

So we have great hopes and aspirations for the future. History has not been kind to the human race so far. The driving forces of humanity, which has served evolution well, are SEX and FOOD. I mean these in their broadest context. Procreation and nesting, is endemic in all species, from our transition from hunter gather, to city states, our history is replete with massive destruction, torture, genocide all with the goal of obtaining dominance.  MAYBE, just maybe, AI will look at the big picture and direct us in a more peaceful and happy direction. And maybe that is why we are here and is the way it should be. You could say that the evolution of artificial intelligence created by man will lead us to the biblical prediction of the “Second Coming” around 2040.  At that point in time AI will have sufficient capability to be able to paint a picture of the “THE REAL  UNIVERSE” and interpret, for the first time, our role is this new awaking. We will no long need all the contraptions of religions, cults and other unfounded myths. We will get it right this time I hope.

Thought for the day: AI maybe able to communicate with and understand the fifth dimension and there maybe the God Head you are longing for. For short all religions are man made and are not based on facts. AI maybe able to help us find purpose and reason in the Universe we live in. Let us pray.

Lew Hollander

See my book, “And Chocolate Shall Lead Us” published by Green Mansions Inc., P O Box 100, Redmond, OR 97756 USA. ISNB 0-9728156-1-9